Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Take A Seat. . .

I was always skeptical when my MoMa said,
"Young Lady, take a seat."

It usually meant I'd done something,
and that I hadn't told her (yet)
and that one of her customers had 'ratted me out'!

My Moma's Beauty Shop was the only one in our small town for many years.
N o t h i n g escaped the eyes or ears of those small town ladies. . .
and when they got under the hair dryers. . .they told it all!

this time the shoe is on "Mr. Ed's" foot, so to speak. . .
as he has been busy updating his heirloom vintage lawn furnishings.

During our Annual City Wide Garage $ale,
"Mr. Ed" and I $old many of our lawn furnishings.

We knew we wanted to keep these two chairs 
as they are heirlooms of the Family Farm.

They had layer~upon layer~upon layer 
of who knows what color or what kind of paint on them.

Armed with a can of Rust~o~leum Hammered Aluminum Spray Paint,
"Mr. Ed" was in his element.

"Mr. Ed" sprayed several coats of the Hammered Aluminum Paint

onto both chairs backs and seats.


he spray painted with an off~white paint 
onto the arms and legs of the heirloom lawn chairs.

While he was content to set back and enjoy the results of his labors,

I. . .on the other hand. . .couldn't help but notice the furnace grate coffee table!

All I had to say was,
"Mr. Ed", do you have any left~over spray paint?"

The next thing I knew, 
he was busy sanding down the furnace grate and those chipping black legs.

So~o~o. . .
now when I say, "Take A Seat", 
"Mr. Ed" knows it's time to relax and enjoy the fruits of our labors!

Until next time. . .

On Crooked Creektt will be joining

And. . .

And. . .

And. . .

Richella @ Imparting Grace for Grace At Home!

And. . .

And. . .

And. . .

And. . .

And. . .

And. . .

As you visit the above host and hostesses,
may you come away filled with inspiring ideas
for use within your own home décor.
Please leave a short comment
to let each of them know how much you enjoyed their link party.

Monday, May 23, 2016

It's In The Bag!

Another Annual City Wide Garage $ale, On Crooked Creektt, is in the bag!

I had forgotten how much time and energy goes into holding a Garage $ale.

Busy as bees,
"Mr. Ed" and I had our son come to help carry up the large pieces of furniture.

it was down to business as usual setting up tables, 
styling the garage and staging for our dear friends 
as well as for "new" and return customers.

This year, 
"Mr. Ed" had his own table of "goods" for $ale!
Ladies, he even set~up, priced and styled his table. . .
and was extremely $uccessful with only two items that didn't $ale!

Compared to year's past, 
the out~of~doors items went quickly this year!

"Mr. Ed" and I hold a Wednesday Evening $ale
that allows for working people to $hop before the crowds draw in.

The official first day is on Thursday!
Both of these days are h u g e $elling days On Crooked Creektt!
We choose n o t to hold $ales on the final day of the $ale which is Saturday.

During s l o w times of the $ale,
"Mr. Ed" and I are constantly moving and rearranging merchandise!

What hasn't $old on Friday evening is then inventoried, 
boxed~up, loaded~up and delivered on Saturday morning
to our local Thrift Shop and Goodwill!

I was quite surprised at what $old
and at what didn't $ale during On Crooked Creektt's Garage $ale!

"Mr. Ed" even $old one of his handmade wooden boxes!
The other will be donated to our Church Silent Auction in December!

On Crooked Creektt, another Annual City Wide Garage $ale. . .
is in the bag!

* * * FYI * * *
Dear Ones,
Just an update on my "frozen shoulder"!
I am s l o w l y regaining range of motion in my left shoulder.
Still attending physical therapy twice a week 
with continued daily exercises and "Mr. Ed's" stretching here at home.

It is still extremely difficult to  hold my camera for photo shots.
Reaching into the cupboards and handling dishes is still at a stand still.
I return to the Orthopedic Surgeon on Tuesday, May 31st.

Thank you for your patience, as I've been lax in posting.
I'm hoping to be able to do some tablescapes, soon.

I appreciate each and every prayer sent on my behalf!

* * * * * * * *

On Crooked Creektt will be joining

And. . .

And. . .

And. . .

And. . .

And. . .

And. . .

And. . .

And. . .

As you visit the above host and hostesses,
may you come away filled with inspiring ideas
for use within your own home décor.
Please leave a short comment
to let each of them know how much you enjoyed their link party.